I'm currently watching
FoxNews's morning show,
Fox & Friends, and they're interviewing a man named Kevin Barrett. He is a professor who most recently taught at the University of Wisconsin - Madison, teaching an Intro to Islam course at that institution. Barrett states that 9/11 was an "inside job", that there is no evidence of hijackers on those planes, that Bin Laden is dead, and that Bush isn't in control of anything.
According to
Wikipedia, he converted to Islam in 1992. Apart from this, Barrett has absolutely no
scholarly background in politics or religion, and is not qualified to teach Islam on the college level. Barrett has a French and English background with a PhD in African Languages.
Barrett flat out stated that the entirety of the 9/11 Commission Report was wrong. He doesn't believe the evidence/tapes proves that there were any hijackers on the planes, and went on to specify that the angle of the shadows in the second tape was incorrect to the time of day being taped, and that this couldn't possibly be a real tape as it wasn't released by the government until two years after the attack.. He states that the phone calls from the planes were not real because you can't make phone calls from 30,000 feet (the planes would have been much lower prior to impact...).
The University of Wisconson apparently got in some heat about hiring Barrett, coming out with a
statment justifying the appointment.
Barrett stated that the entire 9/11 plot could be uncovered just be simply asking 3 questions:
Who was acting Commander-in-Chief that day?
What happened to Building 7?
Where were the fighter jets?
I have one question to ask in response to this: Where is your decency, Barrett? If you have a theory that the government purposely planned thousands of deaths for its own policy issues, that's fine. But, for G-d's sake, bring these to the table in a decent and tactful manner. The US allows us freedom of speech, and Barrett has full right to his beliefs and to express them. The families and friends of the 9/11 victims have gone through enough pain without you publically coming forth with poor evidence blaming those who are supposed to
protect us. If you truly think that this occurred, Barrett, don't glamorize it or use your theory to make a name for yourself, as this truly makes a mockery out of the deaths that day. Go through the proper channels.
Labels: Islam, Kevin Barrett